Friday, May 8, 2009

Getting Started

Never thought that i would actually sit in front of the pc at 3.30 am in the morning, writing. Its very unusual of me. But have been browsing lately, and find that the blogging world is so wide and full of informations. Find it kinda interesting but I do not really know how to start, or what to start with. Maybe i'll just start off with what i did today (or rather yesterday morning)

Was awakened by an incoming message from a friend at 10.15 in the morning. Forced myself to wake up and reached the phone. Mia msg-ed. A friend i got to know online. Replied the message and switched on my pc, one old piece of junk which takes bout 10 minutes to enter windows (it frustrates me till now, arrgh!) But , nevertheless, is this old piece of junk that accompanied me through all the time, sad or happy.

To my surpprised, I dint get the usual body ache n the lethargic feeling today. I felt pretty good this morning. Maybe because i'll be meeting her lately. Yeah, 'her'. My gf. Let's name her L. I dragged my lazy bum to the toilet, took my shower under the freezing water (curse n swear everytime i take my bath in the morning without heater). Not much choice though. After bathing, i made a phone call to L, asking her what time shall we meet. 1 pm at wangsa maju LRT station she said. Looked at the time, its only 11. Plenty of time still. So, click open my playlist and put on my headset. AcDc - Rock N Roll Train playing. Lol. Never thought a rock n roll British band would sound that good.

Lately dont know why i'm always in the mood for some old rock ballads and oldies. Sat down and played spider solitaire while listening to some of the songs that i just downloaded not long ago. Here are a few tracks that i can remember (dont laught!) lol

BeeGees : Words
Led Zeppelin : Stairway To Heaven
Bob Marley : Buffalo Soldier (Lalala.. Dreadlock Rasta. Haha.)
Search : Isabella (Gile lah! Lol)

Lots more to be listed. Old awesome songs. Love them. :P
Anyway, was in front of the pc till 12.15. Then got my lazy ass up and get ready. Put on my favourite red checkered shirt n my filthy jeans along with my sneakers. Went out to get a cab, and i tell you, the fucking weather. So damn freaking hot. I can feel my pimples were like gonna burst anytime (ya, i have pimples still,so? hmph). Thankfully, didnt take long for pak cik taxi to past by. Maybe im his last passenger before his friday prayers. Anyhow, was at the Lrt station at around 12.45. I thought i was early, tengok tengok, L even earlier, as always (except for our first date, i waited bout 15 minutes then only she arrived. maybe bcuz that time i was anxious la, not like she said, buat derk jew.. haha)

We have not taken anything since morning, so obviously we were pretty hungry. Wanna walk to JJ, but so far. Plus the condition of the weather, we just decided to eat at the mamak below the Lrt station, Madinah is the name i think. We had mutton curry, kurma chicken, some typical yellow indian cabbage and long beans together with teh o ais. Full n satisfying. We were off to Times Square after that.

Wangsa Maju to Dang Wangi = Rm2.10 x 2
Dang Wangi (Bkt Nanas Monorail) to Imbi = Rm1.60 x 2 ( as fas as i could remember la lol )

Reach Times Square, went straight to GSC. Wanted to watch Uninvited but already started. Next alternative is Fast n Furious 4. Never really hesitate. Bought the ticket and then went jalan jalan. Wanted to get something for my mother, for Mother's Day on Sunday. Me being me, dont know what to get for her. Walked for almost 2 hours and still cant make up my mind. L suggested a vibrator. Lol. Since my dad is always busy with his work. Haha.. siot jew. In the end, didnt get anything. Maybe just belanja her makan la.

4 o'clock, movie time. Hall 8, row C, seats 5 and 6. Right in the middle. We have the whole row of seats for us. We looked at each other and our invisible horns start to show already. Haha. We can have our very own movie. I bet it would be hotter than van Diesel racing with his mustang. (perasan ngek ngek). The movie was not bad at all. I'm not really a movie freak la, so i dont really know how to judge. But personally , i felt it was ok. I was LMAO when the movie started. Jeng jeng jeng! Fast and Furious 4.. Swoosh .. Pantas dan Garang 4.. WAkakakakak..Ape ni ? L and i jus couldnt take it. Gile lawak. Macam bodoh jew. Nevertheless, the movie was entertaining.

After movie, biase la. Shee Shee first. Rushed straight to toilet. Then to our usual place, Boarders. We went in, simply browsing. Then L saw this pokemon books. Lol. We sat down n looked through it. We had fun making funny funny pokemon noises n pro-nouncing out their weird names. Then we snap pics with silly silly faces until the Pak Guard came n sound us. "Please dont play with your cameras here!" Fuhh.. Garang .. We quickly got up and went out. Fucking embarrassin. Lol.

With all the laughing and 'energy wasted' (ahem, dont know where all those energy gone to), we were kinda hungry. So L said wanna eat at Old Town. So Old Town it is. I ordered Nasi Ayam Rendang and White Ice Coffee while L ordered Chicken Chop Rice i think, and Ice Lemon Tea. Before the food came, i actually dozed off. Dont know why, felt so tired. Maybe didnt have much sleep lately. Doing crazy stuff in the morning, mamak-ing and online till noon. Then as usual la, L will bebel bebel non stop. (That makes her so hot and sexy .. Roar ! )

After dinner , we decided to go back. Cuz i gotta work. We were in the train already by 8.30.
I reached the cc at around 9.30. Sat down and start writing this crappy thing Haha.
Funny it might sound, but, i kinda enjoyed writing this piece of shit out. My mother will be more worried i think after this. She's always complaining saying i do not talk much and express much. Its like im always in my own world. And now with this , its gonna get worst i think Lol, unless i give her this page la, which is like, hell no !
Hmm..its late. wanna go berak, then sleep. Tmr gotta be back in klang by 11. Fuck.

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